Having adult supervision on playgrounds is one of the best defenses against injury. Supervision allows adults to see and intercede when necessary. Additionally, they can help kids avoid clothing items that get caught on equipment or cause strangulation, including helmets, purses and scarves. They should also warn children not to wear garments with drawstrings.
Safety First
When it comes to playground safety, the first thing that everyone needs to know is that supervision is key. It is the only way to make sure that children are not doing anything unsafe and that adults can see, intercede and react quickly if an injury occurs.
Another important tip is that kids should not wear backpacks on the playground. These can cause strangulation if the straps get caught on equipment. Additionally, it is a good idea to remind kids to leave necklaces at home and avoid clothing with drawstrings such as hoodies or mittens that could cause strangulation.
The next safety tip to remember is to check for fall surfaces that are loose and layered with at least nine inches of wood chips or other soft materials. Cement and dirt are not acceptable playground surfaces because they can increase the risk of severe injuries if a child falls on them. Also, recreation administrators should be sure to check the equipment regularly for things like splinters on wood structures and cracks in plastic equipment.
Cleanliness is Key
A clean playground promotes proper hygiene and reduces the likelihood of injuries due to hazards such as litter and broken equipment. It also prevents the spread of germs and illness.
Dirty playgrounds are a breeding ground for germs, bacteria and viruses. These microorganisms can cause everything from the common cold to hand-foot-mouth disease.
A simple solution can be to encourage kids to wash their hands after playing on the playground. Instructing them to use soap without antibacterial properties, to scrub their hands for 15 seconds or more, and to thoroughly clean under their fingernails can help stall the spread of germs. Instructing them not to touch the face or eyes, to wear their own clothes, and to avoid drinking from cafeteria trays or water fountain handles can further cut down on the transmission of germs. Regular cleaning and inspection of equipment is also key. Spot cleaning throughout the day, rather than waiting until a full cleaning cycle, can prevent stains, buildup, and surface damage to equipment.
Invest in Equipment
When it comes to establishing a sports 메이저놀이터, quality equipment is important. You want to choose a provider who has experience providing playground amenities to schools, communities and businesses so they can offer the best advice for your specific needs. A high-quality provider will also be able to help you determine the amount of funding you need for your project and recommend the most valuable pieces within your budget.
Adding new equipment to your school’s playground will encourage students to get active during recess. Kids who don’t have access to new play equipment often sit around bored during recess and spend more time in front of screens.